Laughter Teambuilding

A fun teambuilding to motivate your team using LOL :-)

Have you ever heard the phrase: “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people”? Laughter is a powerful way to combat stress and conflicts. It lightens burdens, strengthens relationships between colleagues and connects people as a real team.

For this reason, Experience Box brings you this incredible, powerful and very fun activity: The Laughter Teambuilding Therapy. An experience designed to cause laughter and have a lot of fun but overall, to bond teams, improve communication, enhance team members relations and boost creativity.

We will lead the group through a series of exercises and games to “break the ice”, team up and get to better know and understand each participant. In group, we will start with some vocal exercises to create an atmosphere where the participants feel comfortable with one another and open themselves. From there, we will we will carry out several fun activities in pairs and groups to induce laughter and have a great time.

The main objectives of this ice breaker would be:

  • Drive creativity and innovation
  • Build trust and cohesion in your team
  • Conflict resolution
  • Active listening
  • Learn a daily practice for the individual or group to learn to be present, connected and fully engaged in their communications.

Above all, the main goal of a laughter therapy is breaking down the barriers by making the group members not taking themselves too seriously. Laughter is highly contagious, just hearing laughter is enough to raise a smile on the other participants, though they will probably end up bursting out laughing.

Don’t hesitate, the Laughter Teambuilding is the best way to boost your groups’ energy, develop connections, enforce a positive communication and create a real team bonding experience. We can organize this workshop as a complete experience, or it can be combined with other activities such as:

Contact us for further information and we will send you a proposal adapted to your needs and expectations. Make your group live a very fun and powerful experience, and don’t forget to “Laugh Out Loud”.

Who's it for?

This activity is ideal for corporate or private groups that are looking for the perfect ice breaker for their high-performance work teams. The experience is tailored to the needs of your group, whether it's a creative team at a small business or a corporate session for a large group.

  • Welcome briefing and a small introduction
  • Creation of the teams and pairs
  • Initial vocal exercices
  • LOL (Laugh Out Loud)

Additional Information

Number of participants
From 10 to 50 participants
From 45 min to 2 hours
This activity doesn’t depend on the weather as it can be held indoors or outdoors as long as there is enough space to move freely.
Languages Spoken

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